What is Mrigashira Nakshatra Good for Marriage and Career

5 min readNov 11, 2022


The Mrigashira Nakshatra- Marriage and Career

The Mrigashira Nakshatra is the 5th nakshatra in the series of 27 nakshatras. The nakshatra falls in the zodiac signs of Taurus and Gemini.

The literal meaning of Mriga is a female deer. The natives born under Mrigashira nakshatra live differently from others and have a broad mindset toward their surroundings. The symbol of Mrigshira nakshatra is a deer’s head and has some symbolic meaning. A Deer is anxious, restless, sensitive, and suspicious. The Mrigashira natives exhibit the same traits.

Mrigshira nakshatra’s Lord is Mars. And with Mars as its ruler, the nakshatra represents courage, perseverance, determination, and strength inside the natives. The nakshatra also gives spiritual and religious tendencies.

Mrigshira nakshatra has a joint influence of Mars, Venus, and Mercury. Mars is the nakshatra ruler, and Venus and Mercury rule the sign of Taurus and Gemini, where the nakshatra falls. Those with Mrigshira nakshatra as their Janam nakshatra have a flair for education. They value education and generally are highly educated. The natives are good advisors in financial matters, and people usually get benefitted from their advice. But they seldom use their financial wisdom for themselves. They are extravagant and face financial crunches most of the time. The ruling deity of the nakshatra is Lord Soma, the Moon who carries immortal nectar.

Mrigshira Nakshatra marriage life

The Mrigashira or Mrigasheersha natives are generally motivated by their sentiments. They are soft at heart, innocent and pretend to be courageous. They are generally controlled by their spouse, are sharp tongued and change their preferences quickly. They have uncontrollable lust for wealth and sex and are romantic in disposition. They have harsh speech and live in their imaginary world. The Mrigashira Nakshatra natives are short-tempered and get injured easily due to their carelessness and haste.

With Moon as their ruling deity, they show changeability, mood swings, confusion, ups and downs in daily life, sentiments, sensuality, and tenderness. Such natives often get into trouble due to love affairs. Sometimes they are highly suspicious of their actions which makes them generally derogated by their spouse. They have to experience marital disharmony.

With an unstable mind and harsh behavior, the Marriage Life of Mrigshira Nakshatra is not smooth, and lots of care needs to be taken. With Mars as their ruler, they exhibit passion, energy, harshness, and impatience in their relations which is detrimental to marital peace. They have a longing for their spouse, but their over-excitement doesn’t let them stay calm in a relationship. Their confusing temperaments make them listen to the advice of their spouse, which they mostly accept. But at the same time, their self-willed nature doesn’t let them settle for others’ advice. They feel the friction between listening to themselves or their spouse. As a result, there is disharmony in marital relations.

Mrigshira nakshatra Male Marriage Life

The male natives of Mrigshira nakshatra show aggression, a sense of superiority, and uncontrolled behavior in daily life. They are easily disheartened by the attitude and behavior of friends and relatives. They also sometimes feel low due to their sentiments. They are touchy and may be involved in love affairs, keeping no importance in their lives. They have blind faith in their companion and look for physical and emotional satisfaction through them. If partners fail to comply with such expectations, they tend to grow bitter relations with them.

There is immense passion and romance between the Mrigshira male and his partner, but they will argue and fight for petty reasons. There is hatred and differences in opinion in every matter. This makes the married life of the native difficult. Most of the conflicts may relate to superiority in profession and decision-making. Since the male natives of Mrigshira nakshatra are emotional and touchy, they take everything personally and can’t see their partners doing better than them in the profession. They feel negative and belittled towards their spouse, and the differences grow further.

The Mrigshira nakshatra male marriage life is generally troublesome for their insecure and indecisive nature. But if they marry a partner with a compatible nakshatra, they succeed in a blissful married life.

Mrigshira nakshatra Female Marriage Life

The females of Mrigshira nakshatra are emotional and passionate at the same time. They are loyal to their partners and move shoulder-to-shoulder to comply with family responsibilities. However, they may have love –affairs before marriage. They have immense faith in their partners but, at the same time, don’t give them the desired respect and care. They are dominating in nature and never step back in any given situation. This trait makes them sharp-tongued and over-excited about the things in life.

The female natives are intolerant, double-faced, and different in their thinking and acting. They sometimes invite struggles in life due to their impulsive and short-tempered behavior. They are bad at financial management and often face a shortage of funds in life. They are careless in financial matters and have no savings. They often look for immediate needs forgetting about the future. They live in an imaginary world, have obstinate attitudes, and have no planning for the future. All these traits combined make the native beyond control. They wish to live life freely without interruption from others which proves detrimental to married life.

Mrigashira Nakshatra compatibility

The sexuality of mrigashira nakshatra is symbolized by a female serpent. If we talk about physical compatibility, Rohini nakshatra is an ideal match for these natives. According to astrology, Mrigashiras are most likely to have strong and compatible relations with:

· Ashwini (for females)

· Hasta

· Swati

For the natives of Mrigashira in Taurus (1st-2nd Quarter):

· Rohini

· Krittika

· Pushya

· Punarvasu

· Anuradha

· Uttara-phalguni

· Shravana

· Uttara-ashadha

For the natives of Mrigashira in Gemini (3rd-4th Quarter):

· Punarvasu

· Ardra

· Uttara-phalguni

· Purva-phalguni

· Shatabisha

· Vishakha

· Purva-bhadrapada

However, one should visit an astrologer to find appropriate compatibility in relationships. Finding an appropriate partner is a complex subject, as the results of the occupying planets also create a difference. Thus, one should consult an experienced astrologer who looks for different factors before suggesting your most compatible partner. The Kundli matching of both partners will help to find the most compatible life partner.

Mrigashira Nakshatra Career

Mrigshira Nakshatra career options include perfumes, fashionable things, pearls, outfits, water supply, water-products, fruits, flowers, painting, zoo, animals, fina-arts, publication, sales, advertising, real estate, music, clerk, data keeping, acting, drama, post office, courier service, and event management, etc.

